Liverpool FC
By signing in, you consent to this web app using cookies
Please review/update your details
Please give details of any medical conditions or disabilities that you feel we should be aware of, whether generally, or because you will need time off work to attend appointments or support, and/or, in order we can make necessary adjustments for you.
In order to ensure sufficient information is available to us in the event the Emergency Medical Services Team/Paramedics being required to attend to you whilst at work, please also state any medical conditions / medical history and/or prescribed treatments/medications and/or allergies.
If you chose to provide this information below, you give your consent to us storing and processing this information for the purposes described above, more information about this can be found in our Privacy Notice.
Please state:
As you will be aware, we operate an attendance recording system that uses your fingerprint to keep track of your hours worked.
Data protection laws are changing. Biometric data (such as fingerprints) are recognised as a ‘special category of personal data’ under the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and we are not permitted to process these types of data based only on our legitimate interests. Therefore, in order for us to continue to use your fingerprint we now need to seek your consent.
If you don't consent to the use of biometric (fingerprint) identification, you will still be able to record your hours worked worked via non-automated means but this is likely to take slightly longer on each occasion that you that you arrive for work (as you will have to speak to a staff member who will then record your attendance manually).
Yes, you can withdraw your consent. However, as explained above, we may still be able to process some of your personal data on legal bases other than your consent.
Biometric fingerprint data provides a more secure and efficient means of recording attendance and hours worked. We will not use your biometric fingerprint data for any other purposes.
Your fingerprint is initially scanned on-site with an ‘enrolment’ device which uses an algorithm to produce a unique identification code. This code is stored on our system. We do not store an image of your fingerprint and the process cannot be reversed to obtain your fingerprint from the code.
Any data used to identify you will be removed from our system in accordance will GDPR directives.
We can provide a standard company reference upon request which you can show to potential employers.
Provide us with a general overview of your availability over the coming weeks.
Indicate your availability to work at these specific upcoming events.
We are offering you the jobs listed above. Please accept or decline each of these offers.
A breakdown of your recent attendance
This page gives us a general sense of your availability over the coming weeks and months. This will help us plan for upcoming events and make you offers of work.
Tap any date to indicate your availability.
again to indicate you are unavailable on that date.
It is not necessary to decide every single day. Inform us of those dates that you are definitely available or unavailable (booked holidays for example).
This page shows any upcoming events currently scheduled.
Tap a date to indicate that you are available to work on particular days in these events. | |
again to indicate you are unavailable on those dates. | |
Tap a date to indicate that you are available to work on particular days in these events.
again to indicate you are unavailable on those dates.
This information will allow us to begin allocating resources to these events, and ultimately give you specific offers of work.
This page shows specific jobs that we are offering you.
We have used the information you provided in the Calendar and Events pages and have assigned you to the jobs shown, pending your confirmation.
Tap an offer to confirm that you
accept the offer, and will attend.
again to indicate that you
reject the offer, and you will
not attend.
This page provides details of your recent work with us.
It may take a few days before your attendance is shown.
Individual shifts marked with: